Leadership that supports relatedness

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What does it mean to support relatedness?

Here is the next blog post in our series about what makes us motivated, and what you as a leader can do through your leadership to create the right conditions for high motivation in your team.

All people have three basic psychological needs that we as leaders need to work with to create the right conditions for the staff to feel and perform well: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. 

Relatedness means that we have a need for safe and stable relationships to feel and perform well. It means that we trust each other in our team, where there are people who care about and respect each other.

In this blog post, you as a leader get concrete tips on behavior that promote the need for relatedness, and we also give examples on behavior that counteract relatedness, thereby reducing employee engagement as well.

Leadership behavior that promotes relatedness

Leadership behavior promoting relatedness means that you as a leader create the right conditions for high trust in your team, and that the coworkers in the team are enabled to build relationships with each other where they respect and like each other.

Here are concrete examples of leader behavior that promote relatedness:

Behavior that is negative for the need for relatedness

Here are examples of leadership that damages the need for relatedness, and thereby reducing employee engagement as well as the performance in your team:

Do you want to increase your team's motivation through your leadership?

Come along to our webinar with Charlotte Hagö about how to lead with the heart! (In Swedish) 

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